Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my favorite websites

This is going to be a quick post, I am going to share with (myself?) some of the websites that I have found on my path...

Science Blogs A great website that hosts great blogs that are science based. They discuss everything from breast cancer research to the ridiculousness of religious people.

Coming out godless An inspirational blog where people tell their story about how they became an atheist.

The Edger A great site that has news editorials, and events from an atheist/agnostic/secular humanist point of view

There are others but these are the ones that I am gravitating to at the moment.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

constructive time in a meeting

Wracking my head
with kamikaze poachers
breaking down the soil
killing the name of the
"one true holy"
knocking on the empty room
or the home of the soul

Block the black heart of the faithful
Stall the plague of the human spirit
where triviality of live is harbored

Bags of bombs are the obvious threat
but what of the dawning dark age
where dinos walked with man
and life is stagnant

Dawning theocracy approaches
pushing truth away
claiming "divine right"
to live lives both yours and mine

NO CHOICE but gods
NO WILL but gods
NO FUTURE but gods
NO THOUGHT but gods
NO LIFE but gods
NO REason....
NO CRITIcal thought....
no hope...