Monday, October 20, 2008

Mixed faith households

I came out to my wife a month or so ago as an atheist. She took it well at the time, she was shocked but things settled down in a couple days. Well this last week she had another moment of crisis. I had to explain why/how I came to disbelieve, and what that meant for me and us. I talked about the logical arguments for not believing in the supernatural. I'm sure this will come up again but thats fine, communication has always been a strong suite.

1 comment:

Saint Fillan said...

Just the thought of having to "come out" to a spouse fries my circuits...I cannot relate. I have been an atheist all my life, and I have never had to “come out” to anyone. It is just there. So I am terribly intrigued by your story. I would love to know how religious you were before...and how religious your wife is. Do you have children? Am I being incredibly nosey? Sorry.